Friday 24 October 2014

Claves and carnival

This week we were very busy getting ready for our carnival! At forest school we made our own musical instruments to use during the parade. We had to cut the wood and whittle it to make claves.

The sticks we used this weeks had to be thicker than normal.

We notice that it helps if we use our weight to hold the stick down and stopping it from moving.

We also had to whittle our stick.

We used the claves to make some noise during the parade!

Friday 17 October 2014

RL- Making fire and hot chocolate

Today at forest school we made fire. We used a flint, sticks and some cotton wool to light the fire. We have a very special kettle called 'Kelly kettle' that we use to boil the water for our hot chocolate. The children had a go at feeding the fire. We had  a special boundary to remind us not to go in the middle of the circle unless we were invited by our leader. We learned how to stay safe around a fire.

Spider Man Caspian helped us by feeding more sticks into our Kelly kettle.

Eve and mummy both fed the fire. They were very brave!

We had to pour water on top of the remaining fire to put out the fire.

We had to seat inside the boundary .

Marko's mum helped us feed the fire.

Spider man- O'Neil- was very good at mixing  the hot chocolate powder. 

We had a woodland treat with our hot chocolate.

Ella - Bumble bee for the day- help keep the fire burning by feeding it some more sticks.

Annie- Angelina Ballerina for the day- fed the fire.

When we dip our woodland treat it gets all wet and soft.

When we finish we get a forest school high 5 before lining up by the gate.