Friday 27 February 2015

A new Forest to explore

"I like this smell" Dylan

"I made a bug house" Dylan

"The stick is bigger than Eda" Emma

The lavender smelled really good

Emma and Eda spotted some flowers

We use sticks to measure

We played : Who is hiding the golden ring?

Thursday 26 February 2015

Rain.... What Rain?

Today we had to look for a new forest. We found one just by the front gate and decided to explore it! we found lots of smelling herbs, a great tree to climb and lots of secret walkways.

We had to work as a team to carry all our resources to our new Forest.

This was a great tree to climb.

"I like all the colors" Annie

We played the ring game.

Ms Atella was the first to count to 10 in Italian before she guessed who had the ring.

"Look what I can do" Nathaniel

O'Neil counted to 10 all by himself.

We decided to look for the biggest puddle in the school.